Interdependence: A Powerful Print Advertisement Advocating Wildlife Protection

Raising Awareness on the Connection between Coronavirus and Wildlife Consumption

In the wake of the global coronavirus pandemic, designer Haitao Song presents a thought-provoking print advertisement that highlights the interdependence between humans and wildlife. By depicting the relationship between the outbreak of coronavirus and the consumption of wild animals, this powerful advertisement aims to raise awareness about the importance of protecting wildlife.

The print advertisement features two prominent wild animals, bats and pangolins, alongside a human lung infected with the coronavirus. The juxtaposition of these elements on a dinner plate symbolizes the connection between the consumption of wild animals and the spread of the virus. By visually representing the infected lungs lying on the plate, the advertisement effectively conveys the message that protecting wild animals is crucial for safeguarding human health.

The design of the advertisement is meticulously crafted to convey its intended message. The blood of the dead wild animal on the plate forms the shape of the infected lungs, visually illustrating the transmission of the virus. The vessels of the lung are intricately connected to the dead animal, symbolizing the interdependence between humans and nature. The design cleverly incorporates tree branches into the lung's vessels, emphasizing the shared destiny between humans and the natural world.

Measuring 70cm x 50cm, this print advertisement is suitable for outdoor posting and network communication, ensuring maximum visibility and reach. Its intuitive design allows viewers to grasp the underlying message effortlessly, emphasizing the importance of protecting wild animals for the well-being of humanity.

The project, initiated in Guangzhou in January 2020, was completed in February 2020. Throughout the design process, Haitao Song extensively researched medical papers, media reports, and social media discussions to understand the public's concerns regarding the correlation between bats, pangolins, and the coronavirus. By incorporating these two animals as symbols in the advertisement, Song effectively addresses these concerns and raises awareness about the issue.

Overcoming creative and technical challenges, Haitao Song successfully created a design that is both creative and enlightening. The final print advertisement serves as a reminder of the interdependence between humans and wildlife, urging individuals to take action in protecting these vital species.

This thought-provoking print advertisement, created by Haitao Song, has garnered recognition in the design community. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Social Design category in 2020. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate innovation, practicality, and adherence to industry standards, making a positive impact on society.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Haitao Song
Image Credits: Image #1: Song HaiTao, Symbiosis Poster, 2020 Image #2: Song HaiTao, Symbiosis Social Media Poster , 2020 Image #3: Song HaiTao, Symbiosis Poster Making of, 2020 Image #4: Song HaiTao, Symbiosis Poster Environment, 2020 Image #5: Song HaiTao, Symbiosis Poster Environment, 2020
Project Team Members: Haitao Song
Project Name: Interdependence
Project Client: Haitao Song

Interdependence IMG #2
Interdependence IMG #3
Interdependence IMG #4
Interdependence IMG #5
Interdependence IMG #5

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